Why does this park need an upgrade, and why now?

    This project has had funding allocated in the Long-term Plan for several years. During the 2024-34 Long-term Plan deliberations, it was decided that it is time to proceed to ensure that community sport facilities meet an acceptable level of service.

    Will this upgrade make the park more useable in the colder, wetter months?

    Yes, the current sportsfields at Grenada North Park suffer from poor drainage, limiting their usability, especially for senior competitions. The concept plans propose improvements such as installing drainage and constructing an artificial turf, which can significantly increase the capacity of the sportsfields.

    How long will the upgrade take, and will people be able to continue using it while changes are being made?

    At this stage, we cannot provide a specific timeline as we are still in the concept phase. The project will progress through developed and detailed design stages prior to construction. Detailed construction phases and accessibility to the park during the upgrade will be determined during these stages.

    Which sporting organisations have input on planning?

    We are engaging with a variety of different sporting organisation to ensure balanced input in the planning process. One of the project’s priorities is to create a multi-functional space, that can be used by many different sports and recreational groups.

    How has mana whenua been involved in the park’s upgrade?

    Ngāti Toa Rangatira have appointed a cultural advisor to provide input on the draft concept for the park.

    Are the buildings being upgraded as part of this project?

    Buildings will be considered with the focus of ensuring essential infrastructure is provided such as storage, change rooms and toilets. Further facilities will be informed by completing a needs and feasibility assessment specifically on community space needs.

    Will the new tracks be a shared path or have dedicated walking/biking paths?

    This has not been confirmed at this stage of the project.

    What will happen to the commemorative stone?

    The commemorative stone will be carefully preserved and considered as part of the upgrade plans and specific details will be better understood during the detailed design stage.

    Will there be better parking for people who have to drive there?

    Right now we are thinking about the best location and size for car and coach parking. In the next stage of the project we will analyse and determine the anticipated number of parking spaces required.