How much should we spend on fixing the pipes?
Our water pipes are old and in poor condition. We’re proposing to spend more than ever before on fixing them. This is expensive and will increase rates and debt, so we need to decide how much we can afford.
There are three options:
- Operational funding of $615.1m and Capital funding of $896.7m over 10 years. This is the baseline level of funding for the main nine capital projects outlined in the consultation document and unavoidable operating cost increases.
- Operational Funding of $617.5m and Capital funding of $1.0b over 10 years. This is the same as Option A, with additional operational funding for a business case for water meters and capital expenditure for installation provisionally budgeted for from Year 4.
- Operational funding of $676.7m and Capital funding $1.2b over 10 years. This option has the same projects as Options A and B, with additional operational funding for the drinking water network and capital funding for the wastewater network. (Preferred option.)
Read Key Proposal 1: Investing in our three waters network.