Open for feedback


Wellingtonians have told us they want a city that is vibrant, resilient, and creative, so we’re investing in the improvements that our city needs to flourish.

Right now, Wellington is in a period of transition, as we upgrade our infrastructure to create a city where people and nature thrive.

One of the most important projects is the revitalisation of the heart of our city, the precinct around Te Ngākau Civic Square. Te Ngākau Civic Precinct is a large area of land near the waterfront in central Wellington, approximately 3.36 hectares (33,600sqm). The precinct is home to some of our most important cultural, creative, and civic functions such as Te Matapihi Central Library, Wellington Town Hall and City Gallery.

When all the work in Te Ngākau is finished, it will be a place that we can all be proud of – full of creativity, culture, and excitement, both day and night.

potential design for civic square in the future

About this consultation

Te Ngākau Civic Precinct Framework was adopted in October 2021 after consulting with Wellingtonians on their priorities for the area.

This Framework set the broader vision and objectives to guide the redevelopment of Te Ngākau over the next 20 years. The vision for Te Ngākau from the Framework is:

Te Ngākau is the beating heart of our capital city: A thriving neighbourhood where creativity, culture, democracy, discovery and arts experiences collide on the edge of Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

Over the next few years, there are some key decisions that need to be made about the remaining buildings and spaces in Te Ngākau, including the City to Sea Bridge, Michael Fowler Centre, Jack Ilott Green and City Gallery.

This consultation is a chance for Wellingtonians to have their say on the City to Sea Bridge replacement and the direction of future development in the precinct, which will be guided by the final Te Ngākau Development Plan.

The consultation document highlights the key decisions that still need to be made about Te Ngākau Civic Precinct and provides further information on the options and scenarios we are proposing in this consultation.

Submissions open on 21 October and close on 13 November at 5pm.

You can provide feedback in the following ways:

Open for feedback

Have a read through the information below and provide your feedback on draft plans for Te Ngākau Civic Precinct

Information to support your submission

In-person events


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    21 October

    Consultation opens

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    13 November, 5pm

    Consultation closes

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    July 2025

    The Mayor and Councillors are scheduled to adopt the final Precinct Development Plan at the Kōrau Tūāpapa | Environment and Infrastructure Committee.

Need more information?

Contact the team

To reach out to the team, please email