
Summary of proposed bylaw changes

3 May 2021


The Council has proposed changing the current traffic bylaw to:

  • revoke Part 7: Traffic from the Consolidated Bylaw 2008, then create a new bylaw called the Traffic and Parking Bylaw, carrying over some of the provisions from the current Part 7, repealing some and amending others
  • add cross-references to the Parking Policy 2020 and Council guidelines where relevant and confirm the Chief Executive of the Council is responsible for the approval of the guidelines
  • remove any unnecessary duplication to national legislation, including duplicated definitions
  • clarify the scope includes all Council-managed places
  • provide for managing safe and efficient movement of traffic
  • provide for shared paths, shared use parking zones and special vehicle lanes
  • reflect the Parking Policy 2020 (assume these are the same as noted elsewhere but I’m keen to re-word them if possible so they all begin with an active verb)
    • setting parking charges and restrictions by zone as well as by designated space
    • payment according to vehicle licence plate as well as by parking space
    • charging and restricting by vehicle type and space use
    • introducing parking restriction zones to prevent the parking of oversize and non-motorised vehicles on the street in certain areas
    • an offence to park over or across more than once marked parking space
    • the implementation of new restricted parking zones with residents’ exemption permits
    • new types of parking permits and removal of coupon exemption permits.
    • provide for demand responsive pricing
    • provide for restricted parking areas based on vehicle type
  • enable temporary road changes for pilot/trial schemes
  • make it simpler for Parking Officers to remove non-motorised vehicles that park on the street for longer than 7 days
  • regulate the parking of vehicles for advertising or selling purposes
  • manage mobile trading in roads and public places (prohibit or permit and charge for)
  • prohibit the driving, riding or parking of vehicles on beaches
  • restrict the driving, riding or parking of vehicles on unformed legal roads
  • amend definition of taxi to include small passenger service vehicles (SPSVs)
  • clarify that skip/bulk bins can be restricted, charged and removed when in contravention of the traffic bylaw using bylaw making powers under the LGA
  • clarify the conditions for using public works as a defence for parking offences.
  • amend the current traffic bylaw to allow motorcycles to park in standard-sized metered parking bays, subject to the payment of the correct fee
  • add a provision to prohibit or restrict engine braking in certain areas
  • add a provision to control, restrict or prohibit cruising activity and disturbance.