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The new Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2021 was unanimously adopted by Wellington City Council on 26 August 2021 and came into effect on 27 August 2021.

Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback, which will help us determine how best to protect, promote and maintain public safety on roads or parking areas owned or managed by the Council.

Over 400 people gave feedback. Many submitters commented on whether motorcycles should be able to park in car-sized parking spaces, while around 150 people shared their personal experiences of engine braking noise or cruising activity disturbance.

Lots of submitters also took the opportunity to suggest alternatives to parking on footpaths. The Council recently revoked a parking on footpath enforcement guideline from 2005 to better reflect current legislation and the new Parking Policy. In the coming months the Council will work with key stakeholders including resident associations to implement solutions over time. Meanwhile, no changes to current ticketing practice will be made and parking officers will continue to use their powers of discretion under the Land Transport Act 1998.


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