Traffic Resolutions April 2025
Provide your feedback on Traffic Resolutions April 2025
Provide your feedback on Traffic Resolutions April 2025
Wellington City Council is proposing to develop a Local Alcohol Policy.
We're creating a new play area for Flinders Park in Johnsonville.
Traffic Resolutions February 2025
We are in the process of amending our 2024-34 Long-term Plan alongside development of the 2025-26 Annual Plan.
We’re improving the waterfront lighting and promenade edging to ensure a safe, vibrant area for everyone to enjoy.
We're considering feedback received on the proposed motorcycle parking fees.
Join us in shaping a climate resilient future for Pōneke
Provide your feedback on the future of Te Ngākau Civic Precinct.
Trails Wellington and Korimako Track Builders are proposing new mountain biking and walking trails.
Formal consultation on Wellington’s 10-year plan and budget – our 2024-34 Long-term Plan – was open 12 April to 12 May 2024.
Wellington City Council is asking for feedback on 14 proposed new traffic resolutions.
We're reviewing the Council's historical Half Cost Path Policy.
Wellington City Council is undertaking a review of the Alcohol Fees Bylaw.
Traffic Resolutions August 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Traffic Resolutions April 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Burbank Crescent Play Area Renewal
On 6 June 2024, the Council adopted the Water Services Bylaw 2024.
Traffic Resolutions February 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
We're proposing safety changes to Ohiro Road, Brooklyn. These changes aim to create a safer and more efficient road environment for all residents and road users.
Thanks for your feedback on two proposed traffic and parking changes on Hutt Road.
We want your feedback on a proposal to upgrade to the roundabout at the intersection of Russell Terrace, Riddiford, Mansfield and Rhodes streets in Newtown.
Addressing safety concerns at this intersection in Khandallah.
Adopted: 10 April 2024
On 10 April 2024, the Council adopted the proposed Commemorative Policy 2024.
The update to the freedom camping rules of the Public Places Bylaw 2022 has been adopted by the Council on 14 December 2023.
Traffic Resolutions November 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Wadestown Connection Part 1 – October 2023 (TR117-23, TR118-23)
Traffic Resolutions October 2023 – Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Traffic Resolution Thorndon Quay
Traffic Resolutions August 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
We are creating a new public park and open space, that will improve the local community by providing an additional green space in Te Aro.
Consultation has concluded.
Traffic Resolutions June 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Feedback has closed.
The final 2021-31 Long-term Plan was adopted on 30 June 2020.
Mahere ā-tau Annual Plan 2023/24
The final Annual Plan was adopted on 30th June 2022.
Thank you for you art submissions for Te Tai Ohinga, Central City Youth Hub!
The final concept plan for Grenada North Park is now underway.
We now have a final concept design for the Willowbank Reserve play area. Check out the latest update for more info.
Salford Street Play Area Refresh
Holloway Road Play Area Refresh
Homebush Road Play Area Refresh
Churton Park Play Area Refresh
Traffic Resolutions May 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
We're developing a new Coastal Reserves Management Plan.
Traffic Resolutions December 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
Let's Get Wellington Moving December 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
The masterplan provides an aspirational 30+ year vision and framework for the future of Kilbirnie Park.
The former Newtown Workingmen’s Bowling Club site will be developed into a neighbourhood park for community use and small events.
Elizabeth Street upgrades - Traffic Resolution
Cat Owners of Wellington Survey
This strategy provides a framework for the Council to manage public open space, recreation facilities and recreation programmes and services over the next 30 years.
Find out the latest on the Frank Kitts Park Falae Malae proposal here.
The strategy was approved by the Council in April 2023.
Traffic Resolutions April 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
We are reviewing how Toi Pōneke is being used, assessing what a future fit-for-purpose service model could look and feel like, and how it will be operated.
Thank you for your feedback on your family's experience of Play in our Inner City.
We're renewing the Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paekākā play area.
We are currently finalising the design, which we're excited to share as soon as we can.
Traffic Resolutions February 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
We're creating a new play area in Rochdale Drive, Churton Park.
The Parade Traffic Resolutions October 2022
Grenada Village Play Area Renewal
Miramar North Play Area Renewal
Nairnville Play Area Renewal
Warwick Street Play Area Renewal
Houghton Bay Play Area Renewal
Notice of Requirement – Moa Point Sludge Minimisation Facility
Dog Policy and Animal Bylaw Review
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has concluded.
In August 2024, we introduced a levy to all ratepayers to pay for the construction of Te Whare Wai Para Nuku, the Moa Point sludge minimisation facility.
Consultation has concluded.
The Economic Wellbeing Strategy has been developed with a great deal in input from businesses and communities across Wellington city.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has concluded.
The new Trading and Events in Public Places Policy was unanimously adopted by Wellington City Council on 2 November 2021 and came into effect on 1 July 2022.
Consultation has concluded.
The new Trading and Events in Public Places Policy was unanimously adopted by Wellington City Council on 2 November 2021 and came into effect on 1 July 2022.
The Development Contributions Policy was approved by the Council on 31 March 2022.
Wellington City Council made its final proposal on the representation review at the Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Council meeting on 28 October 2021.
Consultation has concluded.
This strategy gives context and direction to the work of the Council about the wellbeing of children and young people in Wellington.
This strategy combines the review of the 2011 Arts & Culture Strategy, together with the Aho Tini principles, to give new direction for cultural wellbeing for the city.
The Social Wellbeing Framework was adopted by the Council on 5 August 2021.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has closed.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has concluded.
Consultation has closed.
Thank you to everyone that has provided feedback, submissions have now closed on the Gambling Venues Policy.
In November 2020 the Council decided to adopt the proposed Bylaw (subject to some minor amendments).
Consultation has closed.
The Council opted to remediate the current building to the highest level of resilience.
The plan was approved by the Social, Cultural and Economic Committee on 22 June 2021, and was released to the public in mid-July 2021.
Consultation has concluded.
Every five years, the Building Act requires us to review our Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings policy.
Annual Plan 2019/20 - Mahere ā-Tau 2019/20
Consultation has concluded.
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