About this project
We're proposing safety changes to Ohiro Road, Brooklyn. These changes aim to create a safer and more efficient road environment for all residents and road users.
The proposed safety improvements include:
Building upon the collaboration with the community and local business, and the commitment to safety improvements, the Council are proposing the following changes:
- Creating a legalised bus stop.
- Providing a dedicated buffer zone for cyclists.
- Creating 2.1 meters of designated Parking spaces.
- Installing Broken yellow lines to prevent unauthorised parking.
- Shifting the centrelines to accommodate the proposed changes.
You can see the full list of changes laid out in the proposed plan documents.
The Transport Engineering and Parking team has received concerns from residents regarding vehicles parked on the footpath of Ohiro Road (217-507 Ohiro road). These vehicles narrow the footpath, leaving insufficient space for pedestrians with wheelchairs and prams to pass through. Residents are requesting the reinstallation of road markings to encourage people to park on road rather than on the footpath.
After conducting our investigation, we held a meeting with ward Councillors and resident association members to discuss parking issues on Ohiro Road. We also conducted a parking survey to determine the number of illegal parking instances on Ohiro Road. You can see our findings linked in the document section.What will happen next
After the engagement period, our team carefully assessed all the feedback received, and considered any necessary amendments before proceeding with the Traffic Resolutions consultation.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please email us at ohirosouthintersection@wcc.govt.nz