
What is the Long-Term Plan?

29 October 2020

So you have heard we are consulting on our 10-year Plan (or Long-term Plan) and knew it was something important, but what is it and why do we need you to be involved?

What is the Long-term Plan and why is it important?

The LTP is the Council’s 10-year delivery plan that sets out our priorities, our core services and activities and investment projects to help grow Wellington’s economy. Think of the Long-Term Plan as guidance on how we will make Wellington an even better place to live, work, play and visit as we go into the future.

There are four outcomes for the 10-year Plan (social, cultural, environmental and economic). The describe the direction the 10-year Plan is heading - the place we want Wellington to be. These outcomes help us keep an eye on the city we want - for now and the future - as we make changes. The also guide how we spend our money, and what work we do. We have already engaged with the community on these outcomes and this 10-year plan is part of making things happen.

So this public consultation, it is the community’s chance to have a say in the plan.