
Where do my rates go?

28 October 2020

Explaining your rates

We set our rates based on the needs of the community, their demand for services and affordability in rates. Our rates revenue is split between targeted rates and general rates. The Council collected $322.2m (GST exclusive) of rates during 2019/20.

General rates are paid by all ratepayers and applied to services which benefit the whole community, for example, maintaining parks and walkways, operating our libraries, and renewing our roads and footpaths.

Targeted rates are paid by a specific group of ratepayers who receive a specific service – for example water, stormwater and wastewater services in rural areas, and business improvement districts (BIDs).

Whether you rent, own a home or a business in Wellington you’ll be contributing to Council rates either directly or indirectly.

Your money helps us deliver more than 400 day-to-day services and pay for the borrowings used to fund big capital projects across Wellington.