
Developing Community Outcomes

12 February 2021

A Long-term Plan sets out Council’s priorities for the next 10 years, including what we will do, how much it will cost and how we will fund it. The plan is reviewed every three years to make sure it is still relevant.

The Government has said that councils are responsible for improving community wellbeing, which is underpined by improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural outcomes of our communities.

One of the first things we do is draft the outcomes and objectives for the plan, based on community wellbeing.

These outcomes and objectives are drafted from what Council has previously heard from the public across numerous engagements, and will help us make the important decisions we will be faced with this Long-term Plan.

We took the draft framework to the public over summer through a survey on this website and in our libraries, and with a card activity we completed with some key stakeholders and the public at events.

The engagement with the public was designed to gather sentiment at this early stage of the process.

We received 327 responses – 184 online and 143 hard copy forms. More than 20 groups also completed our card activity.

The results of the engagement can be viewed here

The revised Community Outcomes Framework was agreed by the Annual Plan/Long-term Plan Committee on 4 February. It will inform the formal consultation in April and be finalised and adopted with the final LTP on 30 June.

The current framework can be viewed here