Our Revenue and Financing Policy guides our decisions on how to fund council services. We consider who benefits from a service (for example, individuals, parts of the community or the community as a whole) to help determine how the service should be funded.

The policy also sets targets for each Council activity, stating what proportion should be funded from user charges, general rates, targeted rates and other sources of income.

As part of the proposed plan, we have reviewed our fees and charges and are proposing some changes.

What ones will change and by how much?

The following areas have material fee increases because of the alignment of fees with market rates or implementation of Council Policy:

  • Transport network control and management
  • Parks and Reserves
  • Parking – more detail is available here and in the Revenue and Financing Policy.

These material fee increases reflect the rising costs to Council to offer the services:

  • Waste minimisation services
  • Building control and facilitation
  • Development Control and Facilitation
  • Public Health Regulations
  • Cemeteries

We are also proposing new fees in the following areas to streamline some Council booking processes or to offer new services:

  • Charged Up Capital
  • Parks and Reserves
  • Urban Planning and Policy
  • Wellington Gardens
  • Marinas

We also have standard inflation increases proposed for the following areas:

  • Swimming pools
  • Recreation centres
  • Golf course
  • Cemetery
  • Waterfront

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