Thank you to everyone who participated in discussions on the development of the Economic Wellbeing Strategy, through workshops, hui, discussions, oral hearings and of course to those who took the time to make a submission.

We are really happy with the amount of feedback we received and the depth of thought that has gone into what you have told us.

Your feedback has helped us to refine the final strategy which has been adopted by the Social, Cultural & Economic Committee.

Next Steps

Over the coming months we will work collaboratively across council teams and the community to begin implementing the Action Plan that will bring the Economic Wellbeing Strategy to life. We will start with the priority action of Building Business Relationships, that aims to build enduring relationships with businesses throughout the city, providing opportunity to listen and help navigate within the council departments.

The final strategy and action plan will be available on the Wellington City Council website from 30 June 2022.

Pandemic Response Plan

While the Economic Wellbeing Strategy is about recovery, moving us through the next 5-10 years, we are conscious of the immediate need to support local business. Our Pandemic Response Plan can be found on the Wellington City Council website.

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