About this project

Trails Wellington and Korimako Track Builders are proposing new mountain biking and walking trails in the Wellington Outer Green Belt above the suburb of Crofton Downs. The proposed trails would be on the eastern side of Te Wharangi Ridge, linking up to the Skyline Track that runs along the ridgetop.

It's proposed that three mountain-bike-priority trails be built, and one shared walking/biking trail. If given approval, they would be gradually built over time depending on the community’s needs, but we are asking for feedback now so we can plan for the future.

The bike priority trails would be grade 4 and 5 descending trails suitable for both advanced and expert trail riders. The shared trail would be a dual direction walking/biking trail, suitable for grade 2 bikers.

We need to consider the needs of all trail users in the nearby suburbs and wider community, how the proposed trails might provide a fun recreational opportunity while balancing the impact on the environment, and the needs of other users of the area. Note that completion of Tracks 1, 2 and 4 would depend on the land shown on the map as ‘future reserve’ coming into Council ownership, the timing for this is currently unknown.

As the new trails proposal sits outside the two relevant Council plans (the Outer Green Belt Management Plan and Open Space Access Plan), the proposal will need to be considered by the Council’s Kōrau Mātinitini Social, Cultural and Economic Committee for a decision.

Before we seek the committee’s approval, we'd like to hear your thoughts, feedback and any concerns.

This map shows the three new trails, and where the existing trail is

The proposed new trails in Crofton Downs

Hear more about the proposal

Come along to a meeting at Ngaio Town Hall 5.30pm–7pm, Thursday 17 October for an overview of the proposed new trail. It'll be an opportunity to ask questions, voice any concerns and just generally find out a bit more.

Tell us what you think

To give feedback fill in the short survey below. If you have any questions email trailsengagement@wcc.govt.nz.

This information is gathered so we can hear the views of the community (especially those living locally in Crofton Downs and Ngaio) and gauge the level of support for – or concerns about – the track proposal. A summary of the feedback will go to the Kōrau Mātinitini Social, Cultural and Economic Committee to help inform its decision.

If you would like the opportunity to give an oral submission, please indicate this in the survey and we will be in touch with dates closer to the time.

Submissions close October 31 2024.