
Sign up for the Central Library consultation webinars

27 August 2020

Thank you to everyone who have already shared their views on the future of the Central Library service. We are eager to hear from more Wellingtonians before consultation closes at 5pm, Monday 7 September! So spread the word!

To share your views:

You can provide your views on five options proposed in the Statement of Proposal, or provide your own idea, or say if you prefer an option which was not put forward.

Speaker events have moved online under COVID-19 Alert Level 2.
Sign up to join the exciting discussions with experts across the literacy, learning, arts, community and engineering sectors on how library spaces, programming and events can play a key role in influencing how people engage and connect with one another and the library’s collections.

1. Who loves our libraries? - 6pm – 7pm, Friday 28 August
Join the discussions with speakers from different community or sector areas, on how the Central Library supported people and communities, and the potential opportunities for creating stronger spaces, connections and meaning for everyone.

Speakers: Claire Mabey, Verb Wellington; Ella Flavell, Chair Youth Council; Sandra McCallum, General Manager Changemakers
Register here:

2. Spaces for everyone - 6pm – 7pm, Monday 31 August

Join the discussions with library, literature and research experts reimagining how the Central Library building, collections and spaces could reflect the past and create new spaces for everyone.

Speakers: Anne Goulding, Professor of Information Services Management, Victoria University of Wellington; Chris Hay, Manager Tūranga Library & Chair-elect Public Libraries New Zealand; Juliet Blyth, Chief Executive Read NZ
Register here:

3. Why the Central Library closed and restoring the service to Te Ngākau Civic Precinct - 12pm – 1pm, Wednesday 2 September
The Central Library building itself isn’t safe to use. Hear about what closed the building and what is involved in making the building safe again for everyone to use.

Speakers: Tony Holden, Associate, Senior Structural Engineer Aurecon with Peter Brennan, Manager Property, Wellington City Council
Register here:

We are continuing to visit the CBD and suburbs with the Planning for Growth team information kiosk over the coming week – find out when at: