
Postponed events

12 August 2020

Kia ora,

Due to the government's announcement that Wellington will moving to Alert level 2 under the nationwide Covid-19 response, we will be postponing some of our community consultation events over the coming week. This is because under Alert level 2 we need to limit the number of people who can visit our library branches at any one time.

Please check our website to stay up-to-date with any further changes. We will also let you know if we can set up new times to be in your suburb or run sessions online.

As at 9am, Wednesday 12 August the following events have been deferred:

  • 10am- 2pm, Wednesday 12 August outside the Kilbrinie Library at 247 Kaori Road
  • 10am-2pm, Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 August at Kilbirnie Library, 247 Kaori Road
  • 10am- 2pm, Wednesday 12 August, The Hub, Victoria University, Kelburn
  • 5.30pm – 7.00pm, Wednesday 12 August, Te Awe Library, 29 Brandon Street
  • 12pm – 1:30pm, Thursday 13 August, Te Awe Library, 29 Brandon Street
  • 5:30pm – 7pm, Thursday 13 August, Ruth Gotlieb Library, 101 Kilbirnie Street
  • 2 – 4pm, Friday 14 August and 10am – 2pm, Saturday 15 August at the Tawa Main Street Plaza
  • 10am – 2pm, Thursday 18 and 19 Wednesday August at Post Office Square in the CBD.

Thank you for your understanding.