
Option A – Low-level remediation

24 July 2020

Under this option the structural issues of highest concern are addressed so the building is safe to re-open. The building is likely to be damaged and need repair after a significant earthquake. The construction work would remove much of the internal fit-out and this would need to be replaced resulting in the building interior being refreshed. The Central Library would look largely the same as it did before it closed.

Key elements of this option are:
Structural remediation: Minor interior refresh:
  • Addresses immediate life safety issues: achieves approximately 40% NBS
  • New internal walls, ceilings and floor coverings
  • Achieves low level of building resilience
  • Improved layout, upgraded fixtures and fittings.
  • Installs additional supports for floors and central stairs

  • Improves fixings which support the external panels that clad the building

  • Minor strengthening of the building frame.

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Building is retained and immediate life safety issues addressed
  • 40% NBS rating (approximately)
  • Library service restored within shortest timeframe
  • Low level of building resilience
  • Lowest cost of all the options
  • High likelihood of building being closed again (and a new interim library service needed) due to either substantial (and potentially unrepairable) damage following a significant earthquake or more strengthening work due to significant risk the building would be classified earthquake prone if building regulations are revised in the future. Risk of unbudgeted costs.
  • Some sustainability improvements due to upgraded building services
  • No or limited improvement to accessibility and connection to the wider Te Ngākau Civic Precinct
  • Some minor improvements to library service
  • Lack of resilience puts heritage at risk of loss

  • No mitigation for climate change risks

  • Minimal opportunities for partnerships

At a glance

Increase for Average Residential Ratepayer each of 35 years of building life

$38.70-$46.30 pa
Indicative opening date
November 2023