
Plastic decorations in cemeteries: Here are the results of our Quick Poll ...

6 August 2020

Many people like to place tributes on the graves of their loved ones, but the decorations can blow away, creating rubbish and causing pollution. We asked you: Should plastic decorations be banned from the city’s cemeteries?

We received 38 votes in our Quick Poll. Of these, 58% answered yes, 39% answered no, and 3% were unsure.

Feedback themes included:

- The feeling that if families have paid for a grave site, they should be able to decorate it as they wish

- Issues with decorations being removed from graves

The aim of the poll was to gauge public opinion on plastic decorations. We’d like to stress that we aren’t contemplating an outright ban at this stage, although we may encourage a shift towards more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Regarding items being removed from graves - currently, items are allowed on the headstones and concrete strip the headstones are fixed to. Items will be removed from lawn areas, where they can interfere with mowing maintenance, or if they encroach onto adjacent graves. Cemetery staff always try to contact families and will hold removed items for a period so that families can reclaim them.

How you can have your say

Quick Polls are just one of the ways we are seeking your feedback on our cemeteries. Our formal consultation on a draft Cemeteries Management Plan will open later in the year, so please make a submission.