Latest update

  • Our engagement ended on Sunday, 30 April. Councillors have now considered the feedback provided by the community during the engagement period at the May 31, 2023 Meeting of the Kōrau Tōtōpū Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee. The meeting agenda, minutes and submissions are available here
  • View our Engagement document, which sets out our plan and budget for 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024.


Each year, Wellington City Council produces an Annual Plan and budget, which includes setting rates, fees and charges for the upcoming year, as per the direction set in the Long-term Plan. The Long-term Plan sets the Council’s direction for the next 10 years, outlining what it will be investing in, how much it may cost and how this will be funded. It is revised every three years. The 2023/24 Annual Plan is year three of the 2021-31 Long-term Plan.

Our work programme

Changes to rates

This year we are proposing a rates increase of 12.3 percent (after growth in the ratepayer base). This is equal to the after-growth increase budgeted for in previous plans for this year. In total, the council proposes to collect $479m (GST exclusive) of rates during 2023/24.

This increase is driven by investment in the city’s infrastructure and services signalled in the Long-term plan, and the impact of increased inflation, borrowing costs, and depreciation.

Council has considered alternative funding mechanisms to absorb some inflationary impacts, and keep rates increases to levels previously signalled. This has resulted in a decision to pause some debt repayments and to fund some initiatives through accumulated surpluses.

Change to Rates remission and Rates postponement policies

We are proposing to make some changes to enable better support to ratepayers facing financial hardship.

The key changes proposed are:

  • Increase low-income remission amount from $500 to $700
  • Engage with DIA to include the Council remission in their rates rebate form
  • Eliminate the financial hardship postponement application fee for ratepayers that also qualify for the Central Government rates rebate

Changes to fees and user charges

As part of the plan, we are proposing to change some fees and user charges. In addition, we are proposing new fees in certain areas to streamline some Council booking processes or to offer new services.

View a full list of our proposed changes to fees and user charges.

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