What is the Long-term Plan?

It costs about a billion dollars each year to run Wellington City. We collect this money through rates, fees and charges, development contributions, grants and borrowing.

With input from the community, we need to decide how much we’ll spend on what, and what level of rates to set, so every three years we develop a Long-term Plan.

The Long-term Plan sets out the Council's priorities. It includes detailed information on the activities, services, and projects we intend to deliver, and therefore what the proposed rates and debt will be for the next 10 years.

How does the planning process work?

The final Long-term Plan is approved by the Mayor and Councillors following 18 months of work and public engagement. The timeline for this is summarised on the right.

After each phase of engagement, Councillors will review the public’s feedback and use it to make their decisions at each stage of building the plan. They will make their final decision about what is or isn’t in the plan in May 2024.

The final plan is due to be adopted by Council by the end of June 2024 and will then be available on our website from July 2024.

The 2024-34 Long-term Plan will come into force on 1 July 2024 and will direct our work and expenditure until the next review in 2027.

Related links

Long-term Plan 2021-31: View the current Long-term Plan

Plans and Reports: View recent Annual and Long-term Plans, Annual and Quarterly Reports

Policies: View an A-Z of our policies and strategies

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